Curious of what it takes to grow a startup in Silicon Valley? Looking for tips and advice straight from Silicon Valley founders, leaders and experts? Watch VALLEY TALKS and subscribe to our list to never miss a single episode!
Hi! My name is Sylvia Gorajek. I’m the producer and host of Valley Talks and owner of video production studio for tech startups – Denim Video. Since coming to Silicon Valley in 2012 I built my own venture-backed startup, worked at Apple and Netflix, produced hundreds of tech video commercials and created Valley Talks to tell amazing Silicon Valley stories.
At Valley Talks, we’re on a journey to discuss some of the nuances of growing a startup in Silicon Valley. In the 1st and 2nd season we featured founders of early-stage startups and experts – outstanding lawyers and investors.
In the 3rd Valley Talks’ season, we’re talking BRANDING! Every startup needs a brand. How do they define a brand super early? How do they figure it out as they grow? What’s the best branding recipe? Stay tuned for juicy episodes about how brands are made in Silicon Valley!
Don’t forget to check out our feature in Huffington Post!
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